CHristie Carter

Winter Adventures of Pat and Madge


In the winter of 2019, there was endless ice and snow. And once it was 20 below.

Pat and Madge brought joy to me during that dark and gloomy winter.

They belonged to my mother when she was a girl in the 1920’s.

As they approach their 100th birthday (they cannot believe they are that old) their zest for life is bottomless.

These photos document their adventures and show their eagerness to learn, meet new friends, spend time with the family, and pose.


These photos are part of a larger “Pat and Madge” series.
To see more:
Pat and Madge Discover Sugar
Pat and Madge Come Out

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Christie Carter, a retired archivist, has lived in Vermont all her adult life and currently resides with her husband Kevin in Montpelier. Photography has been a part of the fabric of her life on and off since she was a teenager. She captures family, nature, and -- inspired by the dark days of winter-- still life.

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All artwork is available for sale.
For pricing information contact
Christie Carter: