Pat and Madge Discover Sugar


I never cared for dolls.

Not as a child. Nor as an adult.

Pat and Madge are a different story.

They are dear to me—not only because they were my Mom’s

But because of their Betty Boop eyes, expressive hands and the curve of their tummies.

And their boundless mischief and joy.

They dive into my photos, uninvited.

They tickle my inner child.

They are my antidote to my daily dose of the NY Times.

I’ll never forget the day they discovered sugar.

Their endless poses and delight.

At night I hear their helpless giggles as I drop off to sleep.

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*These photos are part of a larger “Pat and Madge” series


Christie Carter, a retired archivist, has lived in Vermont all her adult life and currently resides with her husband Kevin in Montpelier. Photography has been a part of the fabric of her life on and off since she was a teenager. She captures family, nature, and -- inspired by the dark days of winter-- still life.

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All artwork is available for sale.
For pricing information contact
Christie Carter: