As a recovering mathematician, simple geometric shapes are home to me.  I’m attracted to color and light, especially as it creates shine.  

I feel as if corn chose me to honor its shape and color.  I first noticed the light illuminating a leaf of corn over 15 years ago when we grew, for the first and last time, 2 pitiful rows that managed to feed only a few raccoons.  Five years ago a warped and misshapen ear literally reached out to me as I passed the stalks growing on the farm below me in Cabot. I could do nothing but surrender to the corn’s call, and return again to the cornfield.  This year, I uncovered an unexpected gift. The first two rows in my neighbor’s field were planted in Indian corn, adding a new range of color to the expected green  and yellow.

With that, and the beauty of the morning light, I re-connected with the joy I find in abstract shape and color and corn’s absolute abundance.


Rosalind Daniels grew up in Richmond, Virginia.  She has been a fiber artist for many years and has recently returned to her early interest in photography now that digital photography has simplified photo production.  The immediacy of photography strikes her as a perfect balance to the slower process of creating quilts. And her home in rural Cabot, Vermont provides her constant inspiration as the seasons and landscapes continuously offer interesting shapes and varying palettes for exploration.
Roz has recently exhibited at Studio Place Arts in Barre, VT.
You can see her fiber art here.