Spring Awakening


Spring awakened slowly this year.  Winter demanded its last show.

Each season has its unique beauty – the summer bloom, fall’s vibrant colors, and winter’s brilliant white. 

And spring - the awakening. 

In Vermont this year we were hungry to awake, hungry for a bud, color, warmth.  But spring meanders, slowly, painfully slowly as it transitions from the whiteness of winter’s storms, to mud, melting, ice, floods and finally fertile green. 

It demands patience.

In my own frustration during the very long spring, I donned spikes, walked, slowed down and used my camera to find the beauty in this ‘mud’ season.  

My husband Gary and I moved to Morrisville in 2015 after living in Massachusetts for 35 years.  We were drawn to Morrisville when our youngest daughter enrolled at Johnson State.  Like our daughter, we fell in love with Vermont -  the beauty, the people, the food, the outdoors.  After retiring, it took us three months to find a house and start a new life. For me that meant new learnings - expanding my love of road biking, getting out the camera that has been sitting in a closet unused and engaging with my new community. The joy of being retired is the gift to explore and hopefully produce something that is meaningful to someone beyond me.
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All artwork is available for sale.
For pricing information contact
Nancy Banks: