The Journey


This IS the journey.
Mine. Yours.
My mother’s…and hers.
My daughter’s.

It often feels late in life to find myself - here…now - at this beginning.

And yet - I AM.

A tiny piece of this infinite universal circle.
An ever-evolving story.
A question.
Light and air…and wind blowing.
Secrets and dreams.

Forever seeking that strength within.

This is a reflection of where

A moment’s pause.
A single breath.
A nod to life’s strange way of laughing.

The circles have no beginnings.
No ends.
They sit silent. Soft and strong. Unbreakable.

They carry all that’s unsaid....
all that’s passed on.

My mother was an artist.
This was her art.
This was her song.

I’ve taken…re-imagined…
and made it mine.

Within these circles - I hear her voice…I see her reflection.
I see my own.

This IS the journey.

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To see the beginnings of this ongoing project click here.

Marcie Scudder’s artist's journey began almost two decades ago as a means of slowing down and recording the world thru her camera’s lens.

As a self-taught photographic fine artist, writer and yogini – she believes in the transformative healing powers of daily practice as a means of connecting to the spirit that resides within.

By yoking together the ancient teachings of yoga with her passion and love for the animal and natural world, Marcie’s art acts as a visual and verbal expression of simplicity, silence, solitude and self. 

Like life itself, her art is an ever-evolving process. She likens it to a vinyasa yoga practice, a continuous connection between movement and breath.

Currently, Marcie lives and works in Stowe, VT.

From her treetop studio, she finds inspiration in the changing seasons and majestic views of the  mountains. 
You can see more of her work - here.

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All artwork is available for sale.
For pricing information contact
Marcie Scudder: